Regional NSW turns green, Shepparton returned to bubble

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New travel rules: Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley announced changes to the travel permit system, in effect from 11.59pm on Tuesday, October 19. Photo: AAP Image. Photo by JAMES ROSS

All of regional NSW is now considered a ‘green zone’ under Victoria’s travel permit system and Shepparton has been reinstated in the border bubble.

The changes, from 11.59pm on Tuesday, October 19, mean there are no more red zones in NSW, with all local government areas in the Greater Sydney area, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Shellharbour and Wollongong, now orange zones.

This came on top of other changes announced last week, which allow fully vaccinated people to enter Victoria from red zones with only a negative COVID-19 test required rather than 14 days of home quarantine.

There are no requirements for people travelling to Victoria from orange zones, except to have a valid travel permit which can be applied for at

“Our border settings are changing as we move towards a managed easing of restrictions — and people who are fully vaccinated have a right to reduced requirements because they present reduced risk,” Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley said.

“Victoria and NSW have been through so much over the last few months, and we’re pleased that more families will now be able to reunite and more people will be able to travel in a safe way.”

People who are not fully vaccinated, including those with medical exemptions, would still be required to complete 14 days of quarantine if they were entering Victoria from a red zone and to be tested if coming from an orange zone.

Children under the age of 12 who are not eligible for the vaccine will travel under a parent’s permit. If a parent or guardian they are travelling with is not fully vaccinated, they will be required to follow the requirements that apply to that parent or guardian.

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