Animal Health Take the stress out of heatJanuary is the time of year when long hot days merge into one another and heat stress can be a problem for man and beast. By Dr Robert Bonanno
Animal Health Learn to read all the signsRecently, I was running some training on interpreting the data from herd health monitoring equipment... By Dr Robert Bonanno
Animal Health The hidden costs of poor cow fertilityIn the dairy industry, cow fertility plays a critical role beyond basic herd management. By Dairy News Australia
News Innovation cuts emissionsMoyhu dairy farmer Leah Garnett presented her innovative findings on greenhouse gas abatement at the... By Dairy News Australia
News Breeder bows out on topIn 2000, Brett Cirillo sold most of his cows, but within two years, he’d fired... By Rick Bayne
Machinery and Products New way to feed big balesTracMac’s Raptor large square bale feeder is an new and innovative way for feeding out... By Dairy News Australia
News From scratch to 700 cowsEight years ago, former shearers Sherrie and Reagan Hamilton decided to rear a few calves... By Sophie Baldwin
News Drought support for south-west VictoriaThe Victorian Government has appointed a dedicated drought coordinator for south-west Victorian farmers to help... By Dairy News Australia
Animal Health Service to back the productsDaviesway created Australia’s most comprehensive calf rearing division — and then took everything a step further. By Dairy News Australia
Animal Health Prevention better than curePreventative herd health is based on identifying risks, assessing the likelihood and potential consequences of... By Dr Robert Bonanno
Animal Health The future of your herdIn mid-March, Wodonga was host to the Australian Cattle Veterinarians Annual Conference. By Dr Jeff Cave
Animal Health Plan to protect colostrum with vaccinationsDrying-off cows is not only a time for the cow’s udder to rest and recover... By Dr Robert Bonanno
Animal Health No more anthrax cases reportedNo further anthrax cases have been reported from northern Victoria, while a big vaccination campaign... By Geoff Adams
Animal Health Milking the white stuff for health informationBulk tank milk could soon provide greater insights into dairy herd health. By Dairy News Australia
Animal Health Livestock shelter crucial in summerFarmers are reminded to ensure they provide adequate shelter for their livestock if there are... By Dairy News Australia