Love is in the air as Gorbro Holsteins hosts its fourth on-farm sale on Valentine’s Day.
The sale kicks off at 11am on Friday, February 14, at 244 Majors Rd, McMillans (Cohuna), and includes 128 Holstein and embryo packages.
Pre-sale viewing is welcomed by appointment.
Principal Glen Gordon said the sale included the entire International Dairy Week 2025 heifer team, and that means Junior Champion and All Breeds Junior Champion Gorbro Lambda Violet, who sells as Lot 27.
“We have mixed feeling about selling Violet,” Mr Gordon said.
“She is such a well-structured and put together heifer and she is sired by Lambda, one of the greatest bulls in recent times.
“Violet comes from a cow family that makes great udders and we think she will be an amazing animal when she calves in.”
Gorbro also won Senior Champion Holstein with Windy View Chief Justine, and her daughter Gorbro Lambda Justine ET sells as lot 22.
“We have structured our business around selling our best cows and while we really enjoy the showing and breeding component, we have got to be business-minded and that sometimes means selling animals we know have a brilliant future ahead,” Mr Gordon said.
“Selling your best is a gamble in some ways, but we have also learnt the animals that bring the most money are the ones we don’t want to sell.”
He said this year’s IDW was Gorbro’s best yet, and every animal in the team was either for sale or has a daughter for sale.
“We didn’t think we would come home with both Junior and Senior champion Holstein and Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor for the Holstein heifer show; IDW 2025 was a dream come true for us.”
He said it was also an honour to have world-class judge Mike Duckett pick out two of their Holsteins as champion cows.
“We have followed Mike and his breeding in America, and we were very excited when he was announced as the Holstein judge for 2025.”
While this is the fourth sale for Gorbro it is the biggest one to date.
Mr Gordon said 61 of the animals selling were confirmed pregnant to sexed semen.
“We are getting to the point now where we are starting to build a reputable name for quality animals, and we are seeing repeat buyers who trust the Gorbro brand.”
The auction will be hosted by Dairy Livestock Services.
Auctioneer Brian Leslie said the Gorbro catalogue was amazing and included some of the best Holsteins the breed has to offer.
He said 38 of the lots for sale were from dams classified excellent to Ex96 and with production up to 17,467 litres, 569kg protein and 770kg fat.
“There are daughters for sale of champions at IDW, Winter Fair and even an in-milk winner at World Dairy Expo,” Mr Leslie said.
“I am certain there will be many animals selling through this sale that will be much heard of into the future.”