
Silo art: What you need to know

Across the flat and sprawling landscape of the Goulburn Valley and southern Riverina, among stretches of highway and towering trees, there are few things as constant as grain silos.

After first popping up in the Wimmera Mallee, silo art has become a key feature of northern Victoria, with the towns of Tungamah, Goorambat, Devenish, Rochester and St James painting their towering silos.

With Colbinnabin set to paint their silo in the coming weeks, and an artwork at Katamatite on the way, towns have embraced the concept which has helped to bring thousands to the small towns.

This unique outdoor gallery has captured imaginations and prompted many communities across the region to look at their own structures through fresh eyes.

So, if you're interested in transforming your town's silo, here's what you need to know. If you have any other questions, or simply an idea, contact the Country News team on

Silo Art Trail

The Silo Art Trail started as a compilation of six silos stretching throughout the Wimmera-Mallee district covering the towns of Brim, Patchewollock, Sheep Hills, Roseberry, Rupanyip and Lacelles.

Stretching over 200km, the silos have seen artists such as Adnate, Fintan Magee and Kaff-eine paint 30m murals of local faces on these silos.

Made possible through state and federal government funding, the Graincorp owned silos were the brain child of Melbourne street art network Juddy Roller.

Since starting more than two years ago, silo art has now popped up in almost every state across Australia, with five silos in northern Victoria now painted and a number of other communities exploring the idea.

More images and information can be found at the Silo Art Trail's Facebook and Instagram.

Graincorp and proposals

Many of the silos in the region, including those used throughout the Silo Art Trail, are owned by Graincorp. The company has welcomed the work by local communities and artists to make the trail possible and is open to considering further proposals.

The company have outlined proposal requirements in this document, with further information able to be sourced from here.

After a huge amount of interest, Graincorp revealed they won't be undertaking any more silo art projects until early 2020.

To be considered, any proposed project must have the demonstrated support of the local council, community group(s) and broader community. Community groups wishing to discuss a proposed project with Graincorp must provide at a minimum:

  • A detailed design concept
  • Artist’s name and portfolio
  • Details of local government & community group support
  • Details of how the project would be funded
  • Proposed project timeline

Graincorp will consider proposals involving artwork focused on:

  • The local community and/or its history
  • Farming, grain and food production
  • Life in a regional area
  • Safety

Whilst Graincorp have not provided any additional funding to the creation of the Silo Art Trail, they did contribute to ensuring the space was safe and ready to be painted.

To contact Graincorp with any questions or a proposal, email their team at: with the subject line "Silo Art".


The Silo Art Trail secured both federal and state funding to the tune of approximately $40,000 to $50,000 per silo, with most of those funds being put towards the artists fee.

While Colbinnabin received funding through the state government's Pick My Project grant, other silos have been community driven projects backed by fundraising and local money.