Run-out pastures slowing you down?

Perfect for over-sowing or short-term pastures, Frenzy provides lush, high-performing feed for your stock.

Frenzy is a high-yielding tetraploid short rotation ryegrass containing the NEA endophyte for excellent livestock performance.

It establishes fast, delivers strong cool-season growth, and produces year-round.

Perfect for over-sowing or short-term pastures, it provides lush, high-performing feed for your stock.

Its rapid establishment makes it ideal for stitching into old or run-out pastures or as a short-term (two to three years) option in specialist pastures.

Frenzy has undergone vigorous trialling across the dairy regions of Victoria, including multiple trials in Gippsland and the Western District, where it demonstrated exceptional performance.

Frenzy’s key point of difference compared to other hybrid ryegrasses is its speed of establishment and winter yield, derived from its high percentage of Italian ryegrass in its breeding.

Being a late-heading tetraploid hybrid ryegrass, it has high feed quality and provides greater longevity than Italian ryegrasses, offering multi-year persistence when conditions allow.

Its vigorous growth makes Frenzy ideal for over-sowing into run-out pastures to boost productivity. Its speed of establishment is a real asset in a late autumn-break.

Frenzy also makes a great high feed-value short-rotation pasture when sown with clovers and forage herbs such as Chico chicory or Oracle plantain.

Frenzy is a high-yielding tetraploid short rotation ryegrass containing the NEA endophyte for excellent livestock performance.

Frenzy can typically be sown alone at 25 to 30kg/ha or stitched into existing pasture at 15 to 20kg/ha.

Frenzy is available from all seed retailers and rural merchants.

For more information, contact local representatives:

  • Gippsland, northern NSW, Queensland: Adam Sheedy on 0428 132 096.
  • Western District, South Australia, Tasmania: Bruce Hume on 0427 607 375.
  • Northern Victoria, southern NSW: Sven Koljo on 0429 375 452.

– Article provided by Cropmark Seeds.