
Cattle yards remain closed

Finley’s cattle sales are still suspended as Berrigan Shire Council reviews a Work Health and Safety audit conducted at the yards last week.

Two cattle sales have now been cancelled since Berrigan Shire’s decision to close the yards due to safety concerns was made on May 29.

Council has not released the report however said they would discuss it with stakeholders in Finley this week.

“Council will now work with agents to assess the findings of the report and will have the saleyards open and fully operational as soon as possible,” Mayor Matthew Hannan said.

“Berrigan Shire Council understands the importance of the Finley Saleyards facility to the community.

“To that end we are working as quickly and diligently as possible to address any issues that the report may raise,” he said.

The Southern Riverina News understands the audit was requested by at least one applicant who expressed an interest in leasing the saleyards from Berrigan Shire.

“Council is now in possession of all information required to engage with those applicants who responded to the call for proposals,” Cr Hannan said.

“Having a professional body take on ownership and operation of the facility is our primary objective.”

Berrigan Shire’s chief executive officer Karina Ewer could not confirm how long the fortnightly cattle sales will remain suspended for, saying council staff will work with the agents to consider the issues raised in the WHS report.

Sheep sales remain open at the saleyards.

Finley’s saleyards are operated by Scanclear, the same operators of Deniliquin’s yards where cattle sales have not been held for several years.

Plans released by Berrigan Shire Council in 2020 proposed a $1 million upgrade of the Finley Saleyards.

Funding was secured later that same year for stage one upgrades totalling $563,000.

It included replacing overhead power lines on Hamilton St with underground connections, renovating two cattle forcing yards, ramp nibs and three sheep ramps that can be seen on the Dales Road side.

On March 1 this year, Berrigan Shire Council held a special meeting to vote on calling for proposals for the Finley saleyards.

Finley’s cattle yards have a capacity to yard up to 3000 cattle, however sales in recent years have averaged less than 400 per fortnight according to livestock agents.