
Calls to help Benalla Gymnastics Club get its bounce back

The Benalla Gymnastics Club floor has lost its bounce, prompting calls for state funding to help the club replace the floor, which is more than 30 years old.

Member for Euroa Steph Ryan met with coaches and gymnasts at the club last week and said up to $60,000 would be needed to replace the floor.

The Benalla Gymnastics Club Committee had previously applied for a number of grants and held fundraisers to assist with new equipment requirements but Ms Ryan said the club needed greater assistance to obtain the funding for the new floor.

“The current spring floor is more than 30 years old and has lost its once Olympic-level spring, which means gymnasts can no longer practise higher level skills," she said.

“Gymnasts have been left with no option but to train on the trampoline, which is less than ideal for those at a competitive level.

“The club’s competitive gymnasts hope to compete next year and in 2021 at a national level in Queensland but the committee and coaches do not see this goal as possible due to the current conditions of the club’s spring floor.”

Ms Ryan has written to Sports Minister Martin Pakula requesting the Victorian Government assist the club with funding for the new floor.

“Local sports clubs are at the forefront of our communities and provide a great opportunity for people of all ages to come together and form new friendships, all while keeping active,” Ms Ryan said.

“The Benalla Gymnastics Club just needs a little bit of help getting their bounce back.”