Have your say on the dairy service levy

Dairy Australia is calling for farmers to have their say on the future of the dairy service levy.

A review of the levy is held every five years, with a new Levy Poll Advisory Committee (LPAC) now being formed.

LPAC has the responsibility to review the levy, which funds services provided by Dairy Australia to the Australian dairy industry.

This committee will be made up of a majority of dairy farmers and nominations are now open. LPAC is responsible for determining whether the dairy levy should be increased, remain the same or be reduced. A levy poll is required if a change to the levy is recommended.

The committee’s formation has started, with the appointment of Ron Storey as independent chair.

Mr Storey is an experienced agribusiness executive and non-executive director. He is chair of the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre and a former chair of Pulse Australia Ltd.

During his executive career, he was head of NZX Agribusiness Australia, managing director of Australian Crop Forecasters and marketing general manager for AWB Ltd.

Mr Storey said it was imperative the committee comprised a reflective mix of levy payers from around the country.

“The Levy Poll Advisory Committee plays a vital role in determining the level of funding required to support the long term research, development and extension strategy of Australia’s dairy industry,” he said.

“Its decision will have broad-reaching implications for the future of dairy farming and the broader industry.

“It is farmers’ own money being invested, so I encourage all dairy farmers who pay the levy to consider nominating for this committee and ensure that the views of farmers around the country are represented.”

Nominations should be submitted via email to: enquiries@dairylevyreview.com.audairylevyreview.com.au by April 1.Information for prospective candidates is available at: