Fostering brighter futures

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Fiona Francis Photo by Megan Fisher

Becoming a foster carer is a very fulfilling experience for all those involved.

Helping out children of all ages get the support they need can be a very rewarding experience, and one that Berry Street strives to offer.

Berry Street has been supporting Victorian children and families for over 140 years, providing safe and nurturing home environments to children and young people who cannot live with their own families or don’t have someone to care for them.

Fiona Francis, a foster carer for Berry Street, has opened her home to children and young people in need for the past 12 years.

Fiona said there are plenty of benefits to becoming a foster carer, and her family has loved the experience.

“I find it really rewarding,” she said.

“Some kids are tougher than others, but I think if we can give them some happy times and show them some love, we hope they leave our house with some good memories.”

Children of all ages have called her family home, some for a short time and others for longer. When she can, Fiona loves to receive updates.

“We had a boy come into our care, and we saw him through until he was 18,” she said.

“He still comes home; he thinks our home is his home.

“I have some great relationships with some families where the kids have gone back to their families, and they’ve stayed in contact with us.

“We still get photos and visits if they’re in our area.”

Anyone can become a foster carer with Berry Street.

As long as you’re over 21, have a spare bedroom, are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, are willing to complete and maintain compliance checks and, most importantly, offer a safe, nurturing home environment, you can become a carer.

Fiona said if you were considering becoming a foster carer, take the leap and reach out to Berry Street.

“A lot of people say that they can’t do it until their kids are grown up,” she said.

“My youngest only just turned 18 now, so they were quite young when we had foster kids.

“It’s helped them. I think they’ve worked out a lot about life and about sharing their things, their home, and their parents.

“My kids are really good with them.”

If you are considering providing children and young people who have experienced trauma with a safe and secure home environment, you can email, phone 1800 816 037 or submit an online foster care inquiry via the Berry Street website.